Rostyslav Zabashta
Academic editor of the series Ancient Sculpture and Plastic Arts of Ukraine and the first volume of The Bronze Age (Rodovid Press, 2009) and Cossack Mamai (Rodovid Press, 2008). Academic editor and co-author of the journal, RodovidResearch fellow in the Department of Visual Art at the M. T. Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folk Studies, and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (chair from 2007 to 2011)
Other publications include:
• The Image of a Deer in Christian Art on the Territory of Ukraine (the Middle Ages–Early Contemporaneity). Kyiv: NAN, IMFEMTR, 2014.
• “Frescoes of St. Onufriia the Great in St. Sofia’s Cathedral: The Historical-Iconographic Dimension.” Kniazha doba: istoriia i kul'tura (2014).
• “The Vision of St. Eustasius Plakyda Icon from Plazov as a Memorial of Ethnocultural Connections of the Early Modern Period.” Studiï mystetstvoznavchi (2014).
• Ed. with R. Mykhailova Vol. 1: “Art of the Initial Age and Ancient World” by Volodymyr Bilozor. Vol. 2: “Art of the Middle Ages” with V. Aleksandrovych. The History of Ukrainian Art: In 5 Volumes. Ed. and comp. Hanna Skrypnyk. Kyiv: NAN Ukraïny, 2006.
• Vasyl Zabashta: Painting. Kyiv: Maisternia knyhy, 2008.
• with M. Stankevych and others. The Dictionary of Ukrainian Religious Art. Lviv: Instityt narodoznavstva of NAN Ukraïny, 2006