Oleksandr Naiden

Oleksandr Naiden

Editor of Maria Prymachenko 100 (Rodovid Press, 2009)

PhD in art history, head research fellow at the Institute of Art History, Folk Studies, and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Other publications include:
• with Iryna Khodak. Flowers on the Fireplace: Wall Painting of the Uman Region in the First Half of the 20th Century. History, Semantics, Images. Kyiv: Stylos, 2013.
• with Liudmyla Orlova and Kateryna Orlova-Huzova. The Phenomenon of the Traditional Village Doll: Evolution of the Image from “Princess” to Original Dolls and Souvenir Doll-Symbols, and Dolls from Different Regions. The Ivan Honchar National Center of Folk Culture Museum and M. T. Ryslky Institute of Art Studies, Folk Studies, and Ethnology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013.
• Maria Prymachenko: Ornament of Space and Space of Ornament. Kyiv: Stylos, 2011.
• N. I. Velihotska and others. Kateryna Bilokur: Philosophy of the Silent Revolt: Academic Articles, Essays, and Culturology for the 100th and 110th Anniversaries of Kateryna Bilokur. Ed. Oleksandr Naiden. Kyiv: Stylos, 2008.
• The Image of War in Ukrainian Folklore: Semantic and Visual Aspects. Kyiv: Stylos, 2005.
• Ukrainian Folk Toys: History, Semantics, Visual Uniqueness, Functional Distinctiveness. Kyiv: ArtEk, 1999.
• “Ukrainian Folk Painting: Folkloric and Ethnohistorical Aspects of the Origin and Functions of Images.” PhD dissertation, Kyiv, 1997
Author’s publications