Liudmyla Bilous
Author of the catalog, Ukrainian Powder Horns of the 17th–Early 20th Centuries in the Collection of the Museum of Decorative Ukrainian Folk Art (Rodovid Press, 2008)Art historian, museologist, Deputy General Director of Academic Work at the National Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art.
Other publications include:
• “Wooden Crosses from Danylo Shcherbakivsky’s Exhibitions in the Collection of the National Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art.” Fundatory muzeinykh kolektsii ta realiï suchasnoho stanu rozvytku muzeinoï spravy: naukovyi zbirnyk za materialamy vseukraïns'koï naukovo-praktychnoï konferentsiï. Kyiv: NVTs Priorytety, 2014. 303–312.
• “Toward a History of Formations of an Ethnographic Collection in the Holdings of the National Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art.” Ėtnograficheskie kollektsii v muzeiakh: kul'turnye strategii i praktiki. Materialy 12-kh Sankt-Peterburgskikh ėtograicheskykh chtenii. St. Petersburg, 2013. 132–137.
• “The Image of Kateryna Bilokur in Music, Theater Productions, and Cinema.” Kateryna Bilokur: mystetstvo ta obraz kriz' pryzmu chasu: naukovyi zbirnyk za materialamy naukovo-praktychnoï konferentsiï do 100-richchia vid dnia narodzhennia K. Bilokur. Kyiv: ADEF-Ukraïna, 2012. 47–61.