Hrikhy Molodosti ["Sins of Youth". The Parisian period of Oleksandr Murashko]
Authors: Daria Dobriian
Design: Illia Pavlov, Maria Norazian, Daria Titarenko (Kharkiv)
New book Hrikhy Molodosti ["Sins of Youth. The Parisian period of Oleksandr Murashko] in our Small Series of Ukrainian Modernism is about the remarkable artist Oleksandr Murashko (1875 – 1919), specifically about his “Paris period” at the beginning of the 1900s.
Author and well-known researcher, Daria Dobriian, has discovered all the possible addresses and artworks of Murashko’s Parisian life and gives an analysis of the influence of the early Paris period on the work of this graduate of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Art and how Murashko appears in the contemporary international art context of the time. “And right there, in Paris, Murashko was impressed by the attitude to art, which he observed in French artists. They were interested, first of all, in “painting,” in the method of applying paint, in the search for color, the search for form, in richness, in daring, in the brush stroke. As for the content, the specific “what,” to that the artists of Paris were totally nonchalant: the context, the subject had to serve the art and was essential in so far as to lend the greatest possibility of revealing the undertaking of the artist” – thus wrote Mykola Burachek in his essay. Daria Dobriian examines in detail many other critiques and reviews of the achievements of Oleksandr Murashko in Paris and offers her conclusions. The book features many images, including many letters, documents, and the art of Oleksandr Murashko and his colleagues.
- Cover: hardcover
- Language: Ukrainian
- Number of pages: 128
- Parameters: 160 х 150 mm
- Year: 2025
- Category: Artist Monograph
- ISBN series: 978-966-7845-69-8
- Series title: Ukrainian modernism mini series
- ISBN: 978-617-7482-67-2
Daria Dobriian
Кандидатка історичних наук (2019), генеральна директорка Музею «Духовні скарби України» (Київ). Спеціалізується на творчості Олександра Мурашка, Вільгельма Котарбінського
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