Kazimir Malévitch. La Période Kiévienne 1928-1930
Authors: Tetyana Filevska
Design: Illia Pavlov, Maria Norazian, Daria Titarenko (Kharkiv)
This publication presents Kazimir Malevich’s theoretical legacy, which is first and foremost connected to the time he spent in Kyiv and in Ukraine. When he lived in Kyiv, he taught at the Kyiv Art Institute and published in the journals Nova Generatsiia [New Generation] and Almanah-Avanhard [Avant-Garde]. In addition to these topics, the book also covers his letters, memoirs, and various publications related to his exhibition at the Kyiv Art Gallery in the 1930.
Kazimir Malevich. Kyiv Period 1928-1930 is unique in that it includes not only the artist’s well-known publications, but also texts of his that were only discovered in 2015, when they were found in Kyiv in the archive of artist Marian Kropyvnytsky. In the late 1920s, Kropyvnytsky was Malevich’s personal assistant at the Kyiv Art Institute.
Compiled and edited with annotations and introduction by Tetyana Filevska; edited by Jean-Claude Marcadé; translated into French by Odile Ardin and Jean-Claude Marcadé (Kazimir Malevich's articles)
The French edition is published with the support of Centre Culturel et d'Information de l'Ambassade d'Ukraine en France and Centre Culturel Anne de Kyiv
The book will be presented in Senlis-Paris at the May 20, 2018 and at the Book Arsenal 2018 in Kyiv
- Cover: Hardback
- Language: French
- Number of pages: 336
- Parameters: 230 х 275 х 30 mm; weight: 1.6 kg
- Year: 2018
- Category: Monograph
- ISBN: 978-617-7482-18-4
Tetyana Filevska
Kazymyr Malevych. Kyivsky Period 1928-1930 [KAZIMIR MALEVICH. Kyiv Period 1928-1930]
KAZIMIR MALEVICH. Kyiv Period 1928-1930
Malevych. Avtobiografichni zapysky 1918–1933 [Malevich. Autobiographic notes 1918–1933] with poster
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