Authors of "Black Album" and "Shoot Me Please" photo projects in the Ukrainian Pavillion on La Biennale di Venezia 2017 (Rodovid, 2017)zhúzhalka is a collective originally found in Donetsk by Victor Corwic, Vyacheslav Sokolov and Roman Yukhimchuk in 2012. Each participant combines artistic practice with professional activities in other areas, such as architecture, design, programming, economics. Despite the fact that the events of 2014 in Donetsk and Ukraine have separated the group geographically, the members are continuing their collaboration.
The collective's name colloquially denotes coal slag that remains after coal has been burned up in an oven and which is then used by households for different purposes. The exploration of the heritage of Donbas area is the main theme of collective's body of work.
zhúzhalka has started with self-published photo zines and expanded their engagement with other media forms and artistic formats, often exploring the links between scientific rationalities, the social and the anecdotal.