Liudmyla Miliaieva

Liudmyla Miliaieva

Co-author of The Sorochynskyi Iconostasis (Rodovid Press, 2010)

PhD in art history, professor, member of the National Academy of Art of Ukraine

Other publications include:
• with M. Helytovych. The Ukrainian Icon of the 11th–18th Centuries. Kyiv: Dukhovna spadshchyna Ukraïny, 2007.
• Serhii Poderviansky (1916–2006): Painting and Graphic Design. Kyiv: The Kyiv Museum of Russian Art, 2006.
• An Exhibition of Works of Ukrainian Artists, 19th–Early 20th Centuries (from Private Collections in the City of Kyiv): A Catalog. The Kyiv State Museum of Ukrainian Art. Kyiv: State Publisher of Visual Art and Museum Literature of the Ukrainian SSR, 1959
Author’s publications